Friday, February 24, 2012

Riley's Birthday Party

Pupcake on the left; people cake on the right!
Riley's new long johns! Isn't she cute!?
Whiskers2Tails Pet Care celebrated Riley Skvarla's birthday last weekend in Tulsa. Here are some photos of her cake and the pups!

Pete and Riley enjoying their pupcake!

Blue Dogs, Revisited


I love getting to see the blue dogs, Tasi and Bullet. It seems that their family had a emergency over the weekend and I got to spend some time playing with these darling pups. Luckily, the emergency wasn't too devastating, and the patient is recovering. Tasi and Bullet were so happy to see me, as much as i was to see them!

Pretty Kitties

Last weekend, I was able to spend some bonding time with two pretty kitties. They are Ricky and Zoe. Zoe is a little shy, but Ricky more than makes up for it! She nearly tripped me while I was filling their food bowls by rubbing up against my ankles! Such sweeties!


Ricky waiting for her food!